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Volunteers Needed
Judy Ditto


Welcome to the Volunteer Forum. My name is Judy Ditto, I am a volunteer for SIMC as the Membership Chair and Volunteer Coordinator. I look forward to meeting many SIMC members on the forums, monthly meetings and club events.

The club has several volunteer opportunities available and you can reach out to me at to sign up to volunteer, ask questions or share ideas.

September 11th 7:00 PM meeting: 

Arrive at 6:40

1.Someone that can monitor the Zoom Chat.

2.Bring snacks to share [cookies, brownies] home made or not is fine. 

3.Help set up chairs and tables as needed. 

September 29 to Oct 1st Fall Foray

If you plan to attend the Foray we can use help on Friday at 12.30PM  and Sunday to clean up/breakdown.

1.Friday 12.30PM set up chairs and tables. 

2. Help at registration/welcome table.

3.Sunday at the close of the event [about 10.45AM] break down tables and clean up. 

If you volunteer you would not miss any outings.

SIMC has several volunteer opportunities to get more involved with your club.

Club Treasurer, Presenters at meetings, Forum Leaders, Newsletter Coordinator, SIMC Merchandise Manager, Members ID Name tag monitor.

Feel free to email me with your interest to volunteer and with any ideas you may have.

Thank you 


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