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Fall Foray Photos

Sima Fall Foray 2023
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In addition of the pictures being pretty, I selected these under these concepts:

Some of the pictures are from Sunday, since Krista and I were busy working on Saturday. I only will include those species that I feel confident in their identification, and are different.

While all the pictures are mine, some of the collections are from other Foray participants, and are valuable. We could use more information on those important collections. Eventually, if the collector has not done so, I will enter them in iNaturalist. Some of these are being dried as vouchers and will be DNA sequenced.

Finally, my purpose for the remanding balance is to reinforce, clarify or suggest identifications, that are perhaps pending, or uncertain after the Foray. I might have done that perhaps after microscopy, or after reviewing scientific material.

#3820-N iNat 185862104 Amanita porphyria. New for Forays

List pending. 10/1/23. Upper Payette lake. Small. Uncommon. Grey brown with purplish tones. Grey veil. Collar type of volva. Banded stem (in chevrons). Stipe also grey/brown/purplish.

#3822-N iNat185863883 Lepiota spheniscispora New for Forays

List pending. 10/1/23. Burgdorf. Common. This was present at the foray too. Similar to Lepiota magnispora, but not as scaly and the "eye" is not so well defined. Both have spores in the shape of pinguins.

Cystoderma carcharias var fallax.

List pending. 10/1/23. Upper Payette lake. Common. Perhaps in your book as Cystoderma fallax.

Lactarius badiosanguineus. New for Forays

List pending. Upper Payette lake. But present at foray. 10/1/23. Common. Small, usually with moss in bog areas.

#3834-N iNat185687601 Sherilyn Paris' collection _ Link below. Ischnoderma benzoinum New

Provisional identification. On a large dead fallen trunk of spruce. The substrate distinguish it from Ischnoderma resinosum , (hardwoods)

Ischnoderma benzoinum (Benzoin Bracket) from Payette National Forest, New Meadows, ID, US on September 30, 2023 at 10:52 AM by Sherilyn Paris · iNaturalist

#3821-N iNat185863674 Hygrophorus capreolarius. New for Forays

List pending. 10/1/23. Burgdorf. Uncommon. (Subject on Friday's presentation)

Cap with uniform dark purple-red color, and darker fibrils. Gills and stem colored like the cap when older.

9/29/23, Cascade, Amanita aff. constricta, Common. This also went in as Amanita sect. Vaginatae , which it is.

We don't have Amanita vaginata sensu stricto in the West. In a further look this could be Amanita constricta to me: cap brownish grey, striate, no ring, with a constricted volva with a flaring upper border.

We have not recorded Amanita constricta before. In addition, is possible that this is a cryptic species, meaning that it could be more than one species and impossible to tell apart.

10/01/23, Burgdorf, Tricholoma focale, Common.

10/01/23, Burgdorf, Lyophyllum shimeji, Common. Clustered under 2 needle pine. This is part of the Lyophyllym decastes clade.

10/1/23, Burgdorf. Hygrophorus camarophyllus, Common. Under spruce and pine mix.

9/29/23, Burgdorf. Hygrophorus erubescens, Common, but unusually large. Under spruce. Recognized for the yellow colors mixed with the typical purple. This eventually will be named Hygrophorus neoerubescens.

#3832-N iNat186115222 9/30/23, Collection by Judith O'Flaherty. Erastia salmonicolor New Uncommon. Earlier as Hapolopilus salmonicolor.

9/30/23, Lick creek. Collector Kathy R. Lachnellula suecica Common. Spores small. Round (4.0 -5.0), too small for L. occidentalis.

#3727-N iNat186114809 9/30/23. Brundage Reservoir. Collection Kathy R. sect. nigrobrunnescens -Agaricus amicosus; No reaction with ethanol on cap; Spores broadly ellipsoid (6.0 -6.5) x (5.0 - 5.4); apiculus evident.

10/1/23, Upper Payettte Lake. Pseudosperma sororium Common. One of several genus out of the prior Inocybe.

10/1/23, Upper Payettte Lake. Laccaria nobilis. Common. More robust that other Laccaria, stipe diameter 1.5 cms.

10/1/23, Upper Payettte Lake. Mycena aff. elengantula. sensu A.H. Smth. Common. On wood. This differs from Mycena purpureofusca as being smaller, the cap color is wine/brown with a paler margin, and the gills are grey/pink with pink edges, Instead or dark purplish cap and gill edges.

#3787-N iNat186194311 9/30/23. Bear Basin. Collection - Beau Peterson. Leptonia cyanea var occidentalis = Entoloma tjanllingiorum var laricinum. On wood. Spores angular (8.3 - 9.6) x (6.0 - 6.6) Q=1.4 Uncommon.

I might get some more comments in iNaturalist about this one. Link below. I could say more about it, I'll leave simple, perhaps it will be any questions...

Variety Leptonia cyanea occidentalis from Valley County, ID, USA on September 30, 2023 at 01:34 PM by Joe Matanzas. Collector Beau Peterson. The name here is a little confusing.. I am assuming that is also the s... · iNaturalist

#3764-N iNat186303314 9/30/23. Last Chance. Collection - Earl Boaz. Sistotrema confluens. On unspecified wood. 9 cms. Uncommon. Only one sequence from USA in GenBank, a few more from Mexico and Poland.

A little tricky to identify. You will be looking in Polypores, but it is actually a crust that most of the time has a cap (like this) but sometimes is only resupinate.

10/01/23. Upper Payette Lake. Dacrymyces stillatus. On conifer wood. Probably common. Small .1-.2 cms. Orange, cushion shape with no stem.

Microscopy is messy with setptate spores whole or broken, arthospores in chains or broken, and whole or broken basidia floating around. Spores appear mostly 2 septate to me about 15 x 5 mics.

#3831-N iNat186455739 10/01/23. Burgdorf. Tricholoma atrofibrillosum. Ground under spruce/pine mix.. Probably common. Not big, cap 5 cms., yellow/green with a blackish center and radial black fibrils. This was part of "Sheldon collected Mushrooms", on Friday's presentation.

#3833-N iNat186459458 10/01/23. Upper Payette Lake. Clitocybe cerussata=Clitocybe phyllophila. Ground under spruce/pine mix, gregarious. Is uncanny how close alike these are from Clitopilus prunulus. They have no odor, the gills are also fragile, about the same size with a canescent cap, and gills close to crowded, subdecurrent. Spores smooth, (4.2 - 4.5) x (3.3 - 3.5)

#3832-N iNat1186467185 0/01/23. Upper Payette Lake. Pholiota decorata. On conifer debris under spruce pine mix. I had posted before the differences of this one with Pholiota occidentalis in the Technical forum.

For more information on this collections see the iNaturalist link below:

Pholiota decorata on October 06, 2023 at 04:01 PM by Joe Matanzas. On conifer debris, under spruce and pine mix. I find it hard to differenciate between this pholi... · iNaturalist

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